Monday, December 27, 2010

Foot Scenes Movie Database


you read through this quote and think about it ...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Facebook Event Birthday

We live too much in the past, are afraid of the future and forget entirely to enjoy the present.

photos are a small part, that one can hold the present for a brief moment but caution, they may not be the past.
; ;

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ryobi Home Peg For Fishing

driving home for christmas

Everything is a bit cozier than usual through the darkness day and night, day- a tag-out of pre-Christmas stress here is no gauge. It is all cozy inside or one of the bars, in a cave or in the new 3D cinema. It comes to me also very convenient that I am now moved to a much nicer and more welcoming home.
But I'm also prepared for the future and bought a pair of skis. Yes, after 15 years, I've made myself a new pair. Are touring better suited to long distances to be covered as snow shoes and snowboard. But a snowboard in deep snow is still unbeatable and I hope that I will come home in a couple of enjoyable draw lines depend on untouched. In the morning I'm going for 2 weeks of Graz. The whole island is almost completely evaquiert that most people go home for Christmas. Sun I'm looking forward again to family and friends, and Graz. But not at all sure at the sun.

There are increasing again, the annual reviews and as I do with you. It was a very eventful year for me. In brief: North Star, New Zealand, Bremerhaven, Graz, complete thesis, PhD interview, Bergen, diploma, Barcelona, moved to Longyearbyen. Even a small

Musical Year in Review with YouTube links I've created. Musically, there was no outstanding highlights discoveries for me but many good and very good music. Here's a few:

Jahcoozi - Close to Me {best cover-version}
Ali Farka Toure - Ruby {best african music}
Pantha du Prince - Satellite Snyper {best techno}
Dark Star - Deadness best album} {
Ogris Debris - Kitty best idea} {
Gil Scott-Heron - I'm New Here best {old man}
DJ DSL - Oaschloch best {text}
Unkle - The Answer best video} {
Mountain Men - She Shines best blues} {


Thursday, December 16, 2010

What Is Inside Herpe Bump

Blog Beer 2010

... with:
Guardian of the Blind
russian woodpecker
cortex chaos
and Britta

It was nice. Until next time!

(Logo: Horatiorama ( under CC license )

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How Old Do You Have To Be From A Brailian Wax


... currently sits Gesine Schwan in the SWR-RP, and argues against Heiner Geissler and referendums - with an argument that I even considered leaving: things must be decided on are often so complicated that a yes / no referendum, driven by some interest groups often are not the right instrument. Well, we have elected representatives to work out something for us and then vote on it. Then shows how well that works beautifully on the example JMStV. Suffice it to say in short: This thing is total nonsense and is rejected. Lo and behold, NRW has now tipped the thing actually. As nice as the result is so absurd was the Way there. If one has even listened to the speeches in the Landtägen, one quickly that it was about this little website. Toads were swallowed, lack of interest of all places, justified criticism was pushed aside, and coalition parties see reason raged just as bad as possibly dangerous half-knowledge and prejudices in a referendum. Unfortunately, really bad again the Green Party, as always connect from a foot in the next . Actually, the more negative JMStV argued the network Political spokesman of the Greens in North Rhine-Westphalia in September why the Open by playing the old Rüttgers-nonsense continues:
"The council is required although the formal Right to vote in state contracts, it would contradict all the political traditions and not least the constitutional tradition (continuity requirement) if a State Parliament could fail at such an advanced stage of the proceedings of the treaty. "(Matthew Bolte in response to a request from Jens Matheuszik of Pott Blog)
Say: We have been elected, so Rüttgers rage not continue in NRW must we nod but still beautiful everything that the old parliament has launched great all-Why should we for then please nice at all.. choose to go? I really wonder as to whether the Greens never heard of the Konrad Adenauer (CDU) attributed Saying "What I care about ming Jeschwätz by Jester?" have heard - after all it was then will the CDU in North Rhine-Westphalia, who suddenly the JMStV do not agree.
As you stand there dumb, love green, right? Since you bring into a situation where you have to once again pull your head out of the loop - and why? Because you do not, for which one is selected. And since you still wondering why so many people suddenly see decisions as a better tool to come to reasonable decisions?
plays a free tip from me: Begin at times to represent the people back more, then maybe you believe and trust someone again.
just my 2 cents.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Can I Use Canesten When Breastfeeding? Yahoo?


(Image: Screenshot Sample Google Earth with the KML Wikileaks Mirrors )

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Best Way To Mail A Calendar

the blog years - Part 2-2008

... and if you delve deep into the story already, may we are not here in the archives remain but you must dig much deeper - namely, right down to the beginnings of the child-eater, which lie somewhere in early 1999. Comparing the basis of the history of German blog, where this fine (then) e-zine enqueues in the timeline, then one may quite proud of the long power-Schreiber past. The emergence of blog-hype (2001/02?) Was eating in a cozy children-eating wing chair comfortable, eh genetzwerkt was traditionally low, but, hey, we're not in Berlin, Dirk. What had happened? Elsewhere, the big blog dying, talk to another professional, banners everywhere, over-and frustration. And here it was business as usual really, right?

January 2008
No one knows here on the roof with the various Satschüsseln as good as me. Recently, I was still up to a little maintenance work - that with the "hands off" unfortunately was just a beautiful dream. And then you have actually " subnotebook " said? Really? Months later I stood again at the Acer dealer and gave it the Eee as an exhibit. I've pinched my purchase.

February 2008
Meanwhile learned: There are brake shoes in various hardships, including some who do not wear out as fast when you roll down many mountains. Meanwhile learned: If you have a big record in the computer, makes inundate even more fun.

March 2008
Incidentally, this was a calculation error by the Student Records Office. And electricity prices in Germany are still far too high.

April 2008 And the computer gives
of course too. He sits on the closet and sleeps. Also, the TV its website has now also reworked.

May 2008
But it was actually HA Schult . And to get yellow bags in Trier is still a problem. The first, each collected in any bank or in a civil office garbage bags, seems to always take all the same. I would probably do - namely, never knowing when it is once more again.

June 2008
have some point I will also again programmed the algorithm with which one Bezier curves can be calculated. I did but then never used. swinger club I then considered my way. I was practically the only spectator, too bad. And the logo still exists as well. And back in 2008: muck, muck . Yes, but I'm not right?

July 2008
My fees I have now settled.

August 2008
I do know is, what I (God willing) make on 08/08/2028. And here the was in 2008, no more absurd vision of the future.

September 2008
every year: There are no cheap Apartments for students . And that is not much better as more students come to Trier. If now come the truncated Abi and the elimination of military service to - well then cheers.

October 2008
And frittered an image of Andalusia. But if you have to work in the laboratory of a sugar factory, then please but with the outlook .

November 2008
I find 'it's always nice if someone (though not until years later) that stuff can sometimes use that I put into power. In the article was for once the case. Hm .. And what makes Roland Koch really now? Oh yes, I know.

December 2008
If I want to give anyone have such a heating coil, please. Without spare parts I got this machine never running again. And so ended the year very sad with the service end of the good old kitchen appliance, about which I had for eight years before written in the child-eaters .

(Image: Detail " Television Commercials (1950s-1960s) ," Prelinger Archives)

Error 1311.source File C&c3

Gamer @ School has been suspended

Auto Ins * * *
throw quickly drive off
* * From the car throw
* * * quickly retracting

Gamer @ School has been suspended. One probably. Do I get him jatzt one day by the shelter again, but I have a better dog. MY LIFE AS


My new dog!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

How To Create Janam Kundali


(Yes, really should actually here are the next part of the blog review. - is already here to do, come. First, there is just a picture of a chip shop in dates. No worries, this has been so quite correct.)