Saturday, October 3, 2009

How Long Does It Take To Make Ice?


country under in Bremerhaven. Finally, the signs have come true: "In storm surge flooding." It sounds to me like "When the avalanche avalanche danger", but what I know of so plain I have no idea. The highest mountain in Cuxland is the 74-meter silver mine. Well gold has served well's net, there must be probably be so high for the 100 meters. The attentive reader can read between the lines of a slight annoyance if the North German flatness. Which is certainly present, so I've already more plans. But first to the near future. On 23 November, I fly to Punta Arenas and then on the Polarstern have a lab ready a. Then on 27 begin the journey towards New Zealand in a zigzag, which also brings us up to 70 ° S!

It then becomes the notorious Roaring Forties, the wind between 40 and 50 ° S, which are then replaced by the Furious Fifties to schleißlich again by the Shrieking Sixties outdo.

More on the object of the trip so then next time.
We come then at 1.27 in Wellington, New Zealand. Where will I stay then until 9:02, you have to use so if there is ever random.

Then I got on here to stay still for 2 weeks, and then write in Graz and ready to go snowboarding. Not imagine the agony the whole time I was here and I would listen to the stories of the winter daham! That's why I've already found a prospect project in Graz: . Yes, that sounds like the perfect job to model glaciers and measure from time to time on the mountain.
Or the second option which I here The AWI was offered, PhD thesis in Munich in cooperation with the AWI and also Field Work! Yes it looks good, the future. In the near future, I get that, either visit ...


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