Friday, August 27, 2010

What Can You Wear With A Pinstripe Vest


I know that now is the second post that day. I hope this will not neglect the other.
But I've made ALL images I'm uploading. I want the better and the worse upload ... can therefore easily be ALL comments. I know I do not even hammer photos. Sometimes it's not edited so clean, sometimes noisy, it's not as sharp. Everyone has to learn much, but if that have a clue, tell me what I did wrong .. . "How should I set my camera different?" etc.
Consequently, I invite the picture that now is not the "burner", but then I would like to know what I did wrong, why are they not been so good .. bla bla bla:)

These images I Dedicate now Laura, they also really like pictures and asked me why do I edit my pictures often so extreme. Less is sometimes more that I know.
I told her my reasons why I have just one or the other images as editing, but I have also understood it now and try to refrain for some pictures. This "bird spider pictures" are not dealt with now, except my name refers to the place. : P So Laura
say what you say? : P


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