Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Does Skin Recover After Anorexia

What is music and what they do with us?

There are many different music directions.
Everyone has a different taste music . Often one can also see the appearance of man, which may for a music he might, sometimes you can misjudge but also because total.
What would life be without just Music ?
music helps people, let go of something to get over, it helps, it can illuminate the world in a different color (sometimes colorful now gray).
cry music helps to be lucky. It helps to think, some songs remind people to an event (and pretty horrid). She is dancing there to lift the mood (in the Disco ).
music is art, art is music . All music can be
; We grew up with it already in the womb, we have the beat of the heart beat too.
music is a friend. Balsam for brain and ears ...
music is Schwingung.Durch positive, vibrations / music diseases can be cured.

All this is now occurred to me spontaneously when you something think you can still write it quiet as comment. Would be nice. :)


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