Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Wizard Was Interrupted Before Windows 7

500 years amorphous world

... ok, the headline is sensational and therefore lied. But just about then but it is true: In November, this small but excellent blog, a spinoff of the originally engineered children eater, five years old and the post you, dear reader, is currently consume the Five Hundred. The posting frequency is thus 500 posts in 5 years, or 8 posts per month (can this be possible?) And so this blog is probably one of the least received and commented, but still quite regularly filled in the German speaking countries.
And that's a good thing. The solemn occasion properly, I think even a moment and tell two or three things to tell all: How many readers
cavort about here?
Simple answer: I do not know. Sometime in the beginning I had tried any statistics (after all, you're so curious), now I reject that and it just does not interest me more. I can only conclude from the low frequency daruf comment that set up here not too many people.
Other blogs that have been around almost as long, but have more readers .
right. I expect at the comic issues that I post here and for the few posts but no large regular readership. From time to time but then takes a reader out here in part before to any software project of years. I think one really quite great - the way it is.
And why even a blog?
In recent years, come up this ridiculous blog-hype and then it died down pretty quickly. Certain People have made a name many have abandoned their blogs, as then, their geocities page. Many have also taken up all that is currently circulated and posted each YTUBE video that was distributed by the office clown just as e-mail attachment. Can do, we must not. I am also totally could not care less whether I am here up to date, have a blog here is whether or not strictly. I've written before that comic blog-hype online and I will probably continue to do so. "Blog" is just a simple GUI that enables me to fairly simple. And "blog" is an occasion to do that then actually still fairly regularly. The technique? Well, I could have any Text files in the Gopherspace throw - that's not what matters.
advertising? Make money!
nope, it's enough that this blog at (now) is Google. This has historical reasons and also it is so comfortable even with the search engine results very good about it. Say: I would have been a long time ago on your own server, or move somewhere else, I'm in such things but always more than hesitant. Why should I? Because of Google? Yes, OK, but again it only costs time and nerves.
go from here?
As always, I guess. If I meet some blogging value, then blogging I did, if not, then do not. If I have no desire more, then I throw it out when I think of something better, then I do that, if not, then do not. For 5-year, there are perhaps not to look back, maybe.

Ha! I may (still) do what I want. The Internet. Super, right?


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