Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Have A Small Mole That Hurts

Awake My Soul.

Today I'd like to way the formation and detailed processing of the images. This is left to interpret
you today!
Vorran I have set that I have not used the 18-55mm lens, as some may have already recognized. Instead, I have the Sigma 50mm 1.4 EX DG HSM lens used by Cedric. I like it very much and is only recommended. In the first 4
have pictures I found the white balance to cloudy, because the sun was very, resulted dardurch a very soft light. It was almost perfect, because the processing was thus almost. Nevertheless, all four pictures look different that is also at the time of day. I'm pretty late and only let loose when the sun goes down nicely first, then very quickly.
The 1 Picture was taken at an early stage that fourth almost the last.
Even if the images had been untouched beautiful colors, I have the 1st Picture the contrast slightly increased. I have also changed the whole picture of motion blur, I think that the photo does not necessarily have to be sharp. The sun is shining and the attitude of the person is not "stiff" or "rooted" but it looks like a flowing movement. Moreover, the sun brings a "summer feel" with it. To illustrate this, in my opinion, the motion blur is well suited. (Warm wind, "loose" feeling, enjoy, heat)

On 2 3rd and 4th Image can not not say as much. at the 3rd I have just installed a reddish tint and increase the contrast a bit and the 4th I've taken out some color to illustrate the pose of the model better.

About the 5th Image is perhaps smiled, but I wanted to try something again.
The photo is not like the other photos with white balance / Cloudy photographed, but with artificial light, so the colors are not so hot. Then I, as the sky is almost gone with this setting, a new insert. Then I made the picture even-grained to make it somewhat obsolete.
leaves and large, said that the over-representation is intended, we find it certainly does not occur in reality and that I find interesting.
If you have any questions, just bring it on!

Finally, I would like again to thank the many readers ♥
If you like my blog shows him calm and your friends: D

And a question to me is also on the soul, and I save for a new lens, extremely flash.
Maybe you even have recommendations for me , because the Internet can only hope to strangers as reviews, but I hope maybe a little more experience.
Would love if you get in touch. Thanks ♥


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