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The art classes at my former school was mainly from the fact that we tinker together some trinkets, and a screw- -painted. For decades, every vintage produced again the same life style, a similar sculpture, similar to plastic again and again to the same task. A clever student who is unable to trace her grades were, even after one year from an "art" of another student from a higher year - and got for one and the same work also immediately worse touch. This was the incomparability of school grades (in other study groups, among other conditions, ...) proved excellent. Furthermore, had the student who had submitted the foreign "art" does not deserve their course grade.
by another teacher of mine is the not entirely PC-okaylidokaylige saying "this seems to be like the last blind, the one cry but confidently may when sections of the thesis of our beloved Minister of Defence in certain newspaper articles on (it is not obvious yet so random) matches check . I will not tell too much when I stress that a turtle in soapstone, made in the 9th class, hardly comparable to a thesis is. If you read the dates by commenting on articles about the plagiarism case, it is but one seems as if it were here to see the prank with the turtle from the art classes. As will cheerfully durcheinandergequakt, the "left Plagiatsaufdecker" should take the time to their own noses, they would stop looking until we had found something, and any criticism is motivated somehow unjustified and politically. The opinion of
Max Steinbeis (Constitutional Blog) I associate myself in this case: "And besides, I could puke, that the CSU as a so-glass hard documented, purely scientific and methodological criticism politically simply relabel motivated campaign tried. Science is not possible if you can not practice methods criticism without being suspected of political motives. "
It is not about just any statement from a speech by the political opponents shouted down with mock indignation. It is also about not Soapstone turtle from the middle school. This is about more sections of text from a publication in a scientific framework that were not identified as quotations. And here it is also not an art note but a dissertation by someone who likes his title through the area with.
And it is about scientific work and to honesty. Where would we be if that's all for ministers and millionaires no longer applies? If so down legitimate criticism and made the (simple) facts are swept under the carpet? It simply does not matter whether a conservative or a Marxist plagiarism recognizes as such and denounced. Since, students from the first semester ("Introduction to Research Methods") are or people who have nothing to do with science per se at all. No matter. If anyone can refute theories of scientific publications or recognizes that it is the publication of a forgery, then it must be examined. In order to compare test and refute, results are just that ever recorded. could this were not the case at any basic (which I'm interested in my talk from yesterday) are suddenly claim the opposite, titles and degrees could be easily forgiven by gusto of professors. And even if the News (see Boll) and probably in other cases, law & order screaming commentators do not fit into the stuff and the big front-page Letter: Behind an academic degree should be more available than a well-filled bank account and a nobility .
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